2017 Albany Post Road Croton On Hudson, NY 10520
LOCAL: (914) 862-4558
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Purple Tulips International Women's Day Collection
Shown at $34.95

All prices shown in US dollars

Product Description

Chances are, you can think of at least one woman in your life that you’re amazed by. Whether it’s your mother, your sister, your wife or your best friend that you admire, it’s important to let them know on March 8 – International Women’s Day. This is the perfect gift to show her how much you care. The tulip originated centuries ago in Persia and Turkey, where it played a significant role in the art and culture of the time. The meaning of purple flowers historically alludes to royalty. They are often used to express admiration for a loved one’s accomplishments.


International Womens Day This Holiday, Which Has Been Observed Since , Was Established At A Time When There Was Still Immense Gender Inequality The Female Race Has Come A Long Way Since Then, But Not Without Great Strength And Determination To Overcome Deeprooted Ideologies Women Have Worked Hard To Overcame The Oppression That Existed At That Time, And These Achievements Deserve Some Attention Thats Why This Holiday Provides The Perfect Opportunity To Both Express Respect For The Females In History Who Made A Difference, While Also Demonstrating Your Appreciation For Those Close To You That You Value.

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Substitution Policy

When you order custom designs, they will be produced as closely as possible to the picture. Please remember that each design is custom made. No two arrangements are exactly alike and color and/or variety substitutions of flowers and containers may be necessary. Prices and availability of seasonal flowers may vary.

Our professional staff of floral designers are always eager to discuss any special design or product requests. Call us at the number above and we will be glad to assist you with a special request or a timed delivery.